De werken van Teilhard verschenen in het Engels bij uitgeverij Collins, St. James's Place, London.

De titels zijn:

  1. Christianity and evolution
  2. Activation of energy
  3. Human energy
  4. Science and Christ
  5. The vision of the past
  6. Man's place in nature (also in a Fount-edition, ± paperback)
  7. The appearance of man
  8. Le milieu divin (also in Fount-edition)
  9. The phenomenon of man (also in Fount)
  10. Let me explain, edited by J.P. Demoulin (also in Fount)
  11. Letters to Leontine Zanta
  12. Writings in time of war (also in Fount selection The prayer of the universe)
  13. Hymn of the universe (also in Fount) 
  14. Letters from a traveller (also in Fount)
  15. The making of a mind: Letters from a soldier-priest
  16. Teilhard de Chardin: an album
  17. On love
  18. On happiness
  19. Toward the future
  20. The future of man
  21. The heart of matter (1978)

'The Teilhard Centre For The Future of Man' in Londen gaf vanaf 1966 het blad 'The Teilhard Review' uit met ondertitels als 'Journal of Creative Evolution', 'Journal of Cosmic Convergence', 'A Journal Bridging Science and Religion'. Tot het bestuur van het centrum behoorden onder anderen (in 1990!): Joseph Needham, F.R.S. (president), Renée-Marie Croose Parry (founder), rev. George Appleton, prof. Paul Davies, prof. Roger Garaudy, prof. Errol E. Harrsi, rev. Prof. Robert Faricy S.J., rev. D.E. Jenkins, dr. Robert Jungk, Dr. Robert Muller (Chancellor U.N., University of Peace), prof. Raimundo Panikkar, dr. Rupert Sheldrake, prof. Henryk Skolimowski, François-Régis Teilhard de Chardin, prof. Bernard Towers. In de redactiecommissie zaten o.a. Allerd Stikker en Ursula King.